-- 作者:andy6989
-- 發佈時間:2012 01 22 4:59 PM
-- 【影音播放】Arcsoft TotalMedia Theatre 多國語言版 ~ 不僅僅是全能媒體播放器
 【軟體名稱】:Arcsoft TotalMedia Theatre 【軟體語言】:多國語言(正體中文) 【軟體分類】:3D高畫質影音播放 【檔案大小】:121.2 MB 【檔案類型】:7z壓縮檔 【解壓密碼】:***回覆後可見*** 【官方網頁】:http://www.arcsoft.com/zh-tw/software_title.asp?ProductCode=TMT5P
 ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre - a universal high-quality video player for playing your favorite audio and video files at home. Fundamentally new functions of the player, as well as compatibility with discs Blu-ray, DVD, VCD and other media formats will satisfy the most demanding users. The video player supports playback of all three discs of video formats Blu-ray-vysokochetkoe MPEG-2, AVC, and VC1-as well as all other vysokochetkogo content: WMV HD, Quicktime HD, DivX HD, and H.264 HD. Support includes 1280x720 (720p), and 1920x1080 (1080p). The smooth playback and excellent performance (with less CPU overhead) makes this the obvious choice for video player to view video. 產品特色 前所未有的終極高畫質視聽享受!炫酷的功能: -支援播放藍光電影和高解析多媒體檔案 -支援增強的藍光交互功能,包括BD Profile 1.0, Bonus View 和 BD-Live直接播放高清攝影機上的檔案 -很好的硬體加速相容性以及出色的進階交錯信號消除(ADI) -家庭影院級的聽覺享受 -支援HDMI 1.3 Pass-through,能將7.1聲道無損數位音頻輸出到接收器 -時間控制和自動繼續播放等智慧播放功能 -HQA支援和自動增強等進階視訊功能 -支援流行的網路高清視訊格式-MKV
