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--  作者:NICO
--  發佈時間:2006 01 14 3:03 AM

--  召喚Honorius



Mighty One save me from Hell's dark gloom
Guard my spirit from the demons' tomb
Into their dread abodes without fright
I will proclaim thy will, the Law of Light!

I bid the sky shew forth the shining spheres:
Sun arise, and Moon shine sharp and clear!
Into their dread abodes without fright
I will proclaim thy will, the Law of Light!

Their names and forms are evil and strange,
Yet they by thy magick will I change!
The nameless horrors I bind without fright;
I now proclaim thy will, the Law of Light!

These phantoms pale of my inner view
None but thee their wasted beauty can renew;
To the Abyss, I plunge without fright:
I have proclaimed thy will, the Law of Light!

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