-- §@ªÌ¡G½Í¤ß¶¤l
-- µo§G®É¶¡¡G2005 10 10 1:49 PM
-- ¤Ò ©d¯º¸Ü
¦í¤f If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first? ¦pªG§Aªºª¯¦b«áªù§p¡A¦Ó§Aªº©d¤l¦b«eªù¤j³Û¤j¥s¡A§A·|Åý¨º¤@Ó¥ý¶i¨Ó¡H
The Dog of course...at least he ll shut up after you let him in! ·íµM¬Oª¯¡A¦Ü¤Ö¥¦¶i¨Ó«á·|¦í¤f¡C
======================================== ¤TӫĤl A couple had three children. Two of them were bright, smart, and handsome but the third child was dull, ugly, and backward. ¤@¹ï¤Ò°ü¦³¤TӫĤl¡C¦³¨âÓ¯S§OÁo©ú©M^«T¡A¥i¬O²Ä¤TӫĤl«o«ÜÁà«Ü²Â¡C
One day the hubby got suspicious and asked, Tell me the truth, dear. Is this third child really mine? ¤@¤Ñ¡A¤V¤Ò«ÜÃhºÃ¦a°Ý¡G¡§©Z¥Õ»¡¡A¿Ë·Rªº¡A¦Ñ¤T¯uªº¬O§Úªº«Ä¤l¶Ü¡H¡¨
Yes, dear, replied the wife, but the other two are not. ¡§¬Oªº¡A¿Ë·Rªº¡C¡¨©d¤lµª¹D¡G¡§¥i¬O¥t¥~¨âÓ¤£¬O¡C¡¨
======================================== ©d¤lªº¤T¶µÀuÂI When a bachelor marries, h is wife has three qualities she is an economist in the kitchen, an aristocrat in the living room and a devil in bed. After a few years, sure enough the three qualities remain, but not in the same order she is an aristocrat in the kitchen, a devil in the living room and an economist in bed. ¤@¦ì³æ¨º~·s±B®É¡A©d¤l¦³¤T¶µÀuÂI¡G¦b¼p©Ð¦o¬O¸gÀپǪ̡B¦b«ÈÆU¦o¬O¶Q±Ú¡B¦b§É¤W¦o¬O´cÅ]¡CY¤z¦~«á¡A³o¤T¶µÀuÂI¨ÌµM¦s¦b¡A¥i¬O¯´§Ç¦³ÂIÅÜ°Ê¡G¦b¼p©Ð¦o¬O¶Q±Ú¡B¦b«ÈÆU¦o¬O´cÅ]¡B¦b§É¤W¦o¬O¸gÀپǪ̡C
======================================== ³\Ä@¤« A couple came upon a wishing well. The husband leaned over, made a wish and threw in a penny. The wife decided to make a wish, too. But she leaned over too much, fell into the well, and drowned. The husband was stunned for awhile but then smiled and said, It really works! ¤@¹ï¤Ò©d¨Ó¨ì¤@®y³\Ä@¤«¡C¤V¤Ò¾a¹L¥h¡A¥á¤U¤@Óµw¹ô¡A³\¤FÓÄ@¡C©d¤l¤]¥´ºâ³\ÓÄ@¡C¥i¬O¦o¾aªº¤Ó¹L¥h¡A±¼¤U¤«¡A³Q²T¦º¤F¡C¤V¤Ò§b¤F¤@¦^¡AµM«á¯ºµÛ»¡¡G¡§¯uÆFÅç¡C¡¨
======================================== µ²±B©P¦~ I asked my wife, Where do you want to go on our anniversary? She said, Somewhere I have never been! I told her, How about the kitchen? §Ú°Ý¤Ó¤Ó¡G¡§µ²±B©P¦~¬ö©À¡A§A·Q¥h¨ºùØ¡H¡¨ ¦o»¡¡G¡§¨ºùس£¦n¡A¥un¬O§Ú¨S¥h¹Lªº¦a¤è¡C¡¨ §Ú¡G¡§¼p©Ð«ç»ò¼Ë¡H¡¨
======================================== §Ö¼Ö®É¥ú During their silver anniversary, a wife reminded her husband, Do you remember when you proposed to me, I was so overwhelmed that I didn t talk for an hour? The hubby replied : Yes, honey, that was the happiest hour of my life. ¦b¤G¤Q¤©P¦~¬ö©À®É¡A¤@¦ì¤Ó¤Ó´£¿ô¦oªº¤V¤Ò¡G¡§§AÁÙ°O±o§A¦V§Ú¨D±Bªº¨º¤Ñ¡A§Ú³Q¥´°Ê±oµLªk»¡¸Üªø¹F¤@¤p®É¡H¡¨ ¤V¤Ò¦^µª¡G¡§¬Oªº¡A¿Ë·Rªº¡A¨º¬O§Ú¤@¥Í¤¤³Ì§Ö¼Öªº®É¥ú¡C¡¨
======================================== ¤â©Ô¤â We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops. §Ú̮ɱ`³£¤â©Ô¤â¡C¦pªG©ñ¶}¡A¦o´N·|¥hÁʪ«¤F¡C