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熊蓋站  -> 自然科學  -> 死亡之書-14

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∷ 職務: 超級版主 該帥哥目前不在線
∷ 編號: 6013
∷ 級別: 天使會員
∷ 發帖: 5346
∷ 威望: 4774
∷ 財富: 20 蓋幣
∷ 貢獻: 5
∷ 配偶: 單身
∷ 家族: 軒轅山莊
∷ 註冊: 2005-11-16
∷ 上次: 2012-05-23
  【字體: Plurk Twitter 


Here are some canopic jars with lids depicting the four sons of Horus:
Qebehsenuef, the falcon head -- intestines
Duamutef, the jackal head -- stomach
Hapy, the baboon head -- lungs
Imsety, the human head -- liver

The body was then placed on a slanted embalming table and completely covered with natron. This allowed fluids to drip away as the body slowly dried out. This part of the process took about forty days, after which the natron was removed, inside and out, to reveal a dried, shrunken body. After another cleaning, the body was rubbed with unguents to aid in preserving the mummy's skin. The head and body cavity were stuffed with packing.

The mummy was then prepared for bandaging
First, the embalming cut in the side of the body was sewn up and covered with a patching depicting the protective eye of Horus. The body was adorned with gold, jewels and protective amulets. Fingers and toes were covered with protective gold caps and individually wrapped with long, narrow strips of linen. Arms and legs were also wrapped, then the entire body was wrapped to a depth of about twenty layers. The embalmers used resin to glue the layers of wrappings together. The wrapped head was covered with a mummy mask. Finally, the last layer of bandages went on and was given one last coating of resin. The mummy was the ready for burial.

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