The Book of the Dead. Egypt, ca. 332-30 BCE. This fragment illustrates this judgment and the protection afforded by spell 125. On the left, the mummified body lies on a low couch. In the center are the scales with several figures: the jackal-headed god Anubis, associated with mummification, Maat whose head is represented by a feather, and a monster. Osiris, god of the dead, and his sister/wife Isis, oversee the weighing. On the right, the eye of Horus, and the bull (sacred to Osiris) imply that the heart was in balance and afterlife attained. The inclusion of such a text in burial indicates the magical power of words and images in ancient Egypt. 下面兩幅審判來自隨女性陪葬的 Book of the dead. Section from a Book of the Dead Thebes, Dynasty 21, ca. 1070-945 B.C. Painted and inscribed papyrus, h. (of illustrated section) 13 3/4 in. The weighing of the heart of the dead. from The Papyrus of Anhai (c. 1100 B.C.) 左邊女神 Maat 站在雙馬特大殿(the Hall of Double Maat)入口,中間 Horus 領著 Anhai 到天秤前對量她的心臟與 Maat 真理的羽毛。上方一群由神組成的陪審團,左下方正記錄著審判結果的是朱鷺頭的智慧之神 Thoth,在天秤柱上的狒狒也代表著Thoth。右方頭戴著駝鳥羽毛的 Maat 女神,舉起她的手歡迎過關後得意洋洋的 Anhai。這紙草書比 Hunefer 的又晚了將近二百年,冥神的形像已由 Osiris 轉變成 Ptah-Socharis-Osiris(戴的帽子變了,衣服多了披肩)。 女祭司Anhai 的死亡之書(c.1100 BC) 女祭司穿著統狀束衣外加長罩衫、長假髮、頭頂香膏冠。 新王朝後、透明有摺飾成為衣著的重點。頭頂為香膏冠可因溫度變化而釋出香氣。 ---