The deceased is then led to Osiris by Horus, the god with the falcon head. Horus represents the personification of the Pharaoh during life, and his father Osiris represents the personification of the Pharaoh after death. Osiris, lord of the underworld, sits on his throne, represented as a mummy. On his head is the white crown of Lower Egypt (the north). He holds the symbols of Egyptian kingship in his hands: the shepherd's crook to symbolize his role as shepherd of mankind, and the flail, to represent his ability to separate the wheat from the chaff. Behind him stand his wife Isis and her sister Nephthys. Isis is the one in red, and Nephthys is the one in green. Together, Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys welcome the deceased to the underworld. 從左上角開始,亡者必須在一排審判團面前解釋他一生的行為,表明自己是無罪的,一些法官的手中拿著生命之鑰 ankh。這審判團是由全埃及許多方難以對付的神集合而來,包括 Bone-Crusher, Shining-Tooth, Blood-Consumer, Flint-Eyes, Entrail-Consumer....還有許多名字比較不嚇人的。 左方鷹頭神是霍勒斯 (Horus) 前監督秤心臟儀式,右方是亡者在等在結果。 Anubis在調整天平,計算、學問與智慧之神托特(Thoth)正待記錄測量結果,秤的一邊是死者的心臟,另一邊秤上小小的是馬特 (Maat),天平支柱上蹲著的狒狒還是是Thoth的化身。