A scene from the the Book of the Dead depicts the Judgement of the Dead 在「Maat真理之堂」舉行的稱量心臟的儀式 內容講述在Maat的審判大廳,亡者要面對陪審團表明一生善惡後,他的心臟會被具有狐狼頭的死神Anubis 拿來與真理之羽放在天秤上比量,朱鷺頭的智慧之神托特,紀錄結果。心若是不純淨,則會增加心臟的重量,這顆心便會被一隻鱷魚頭、獅子河馬身的怪物阿米特吞掉,亡者就無法獲得永生了。若是純潔無瑕的心應與羽毛等重,王權守護神Horus會把亡者引領到豐饒之神Osiris處以享永生。
This scene depicts what occurs after a person has died. Beginning with the upper left-hand corner, the deceased appears before a panel of 14 judges to make an accounting for his deeds during life. The ankh, the key of life, appears in the hands of some of the judges. Next, below, the jackal god Anubis who represents the underworld and mummification leads the deceased before the scale. Anubis then weighs the heart of the deceased (left tray) against the feather of Ma'at, goddess of truth and justice (right tray). In some drawings, the full goddess Ma'at, not just her feather, is shown seated on the tray. Note that Ma'at's head, crowned by the feather, also appears atop the fulcrum of the scale. If the heart of the deceased outweighs the feather, then the deceased has a heart which has been made heavy with evil deeds. In that event, Ammit the god with the crocodile head and hippopotamous legs will devour the heart, condemning the deceased to oblivion for eternity. But if the feather outweighs the heart, then the deceased has led a righteous life and may be presented before Osiris to join the afterlife. Thoth, the ibis-headed god of wisdom stands at the ready to record the outcome. ---