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∷ 職務: 超級版主 該帥哥目前不在線
∷ 編號: 6013
∷ 級別: 天使會員
∷ 發帖: 5346
∷ 威望: 4774
∷ 財富: 20 蓋幣
∷ 貢獻: 5
∷ 配偶: 單身
∷ 家族: 軒轅山莊
∷ 註冊: 2005-11-16
∷ 上次: 2012-05-23
  【字體: Plurk Twitter 

Above ten gods sitting in judgement. Below is the Psychostasia or weighing of the conscience. The jakalheaded god Anubis trying in the Balance the heart (conscience) against a figure of the goddess Maat, holding on the head the feather Symbol of the law and in the hand the sign of life. On the left is the Goddess Maat and the Ibisheaded god Thoth the scribe of the Gods noting down the result.Before him is the monster Amemit, theDevourer. Above the balance is the emblem of the goddesses Shai (Destiny) and Renenit on the right is Horus leading Lady Anhai.

The God Ptah-Socharis-Osiris within a shrine.Behind him Isis and Nephthys.On his right his emblem the Hawk with the Solar Disk.Before him the goddesses of the North and the South. On the left the the Goddess Maat being embraced by the goddess Amentet (mark the feathers which represent the law).
The Papyri of Ani, Hunefer and Anhai

Ani 是王室的書記和會計,他的太太 Thuthu 也是個貴族,是 Thebes 的祭司 "lady of the house and qemat of Amun-Re",在儀式中彈唱樂器,所以在紙草書中常看到她拿著叉鈴(sistrum)。埃及的國王是 Seti I 王室宮殿的一個監督(西元前約 1370 年),他是王室書記也是王室中牛的監督人。他的太太 Nasha 像 Thuthu ,也是個底比斯的祭司,所以在紙草書中也常看到她拿著叉鈴(sistrum)。Anhai 也是個女祭司,她也常拿著 sistrum和花朵出現在 papyrus中,但她穿用的衣服像是完全透明地,據說這顯示顯示她的地位比Thuthu和 Nasha 高。

Ani 的紙草書(1400 BC)超過78 呎,是 Book of the Dead 紙草書中最長的,Hunfer 的紙草書(1280 BC) 18 呎 1 吋,而 Anhai 的 14 呎 6 吋(1100 BC)。

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