Sobek The ancient Egyptians believed that the water of the Nile came from Sobek's sweat and that he was the god of all bodies of water. So as the lord of all the wet regions, Sobek was worshipped big time wherever there was water. He was especially important at locations right on the Nile, in the delta, and around oases. Sobek also had a role as a fertility god-- he made all the plants green. The number of crocodile sightings was supposedly an indicator of how successful the farmers would be that year: it was said that the more crocs in the water, the greater the flood, and the more bountiful the crops.
第12小時 這是太陽神的再生的時刻。中排:神和女神拖著拉太陽船的繩子,穿通過環繞世界的蛇(the snake known as the "World Encircler")的身體,從尾部到嘴,到聖甲蟲浮現,代表太陽神重生的早晨。空氣之神 Shu,將會幫太陽離開黑暗,Osiris的木乃伊仍舊停留在地獄中。上排中,神舉起他們的手歡呼中。