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∷ 職務: 超級版主 該帥哥目前不在線
∷ 編號: 760
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∷ 發帖: 1095
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∷ 財富: 7 蓋幣
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∷ 配偶: 單身
∷ 家族: 無門無派
∷ 註冊: 2005-03-22
∷ 上次: 2013-03-14

寵物級別:228 -最終進化-
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 【轉貼】 跟華碩槓上?!技嘉也出雙6800GT卡

The GV-3D1-68GT will build on the same architecture based on Nvidia SLI technology, but integrate GeForce 6800 GT graphics chips. Compared to the previous 6600 and 6600GT cards, the newest member of the family will double the integrated GDDR3 memory to 512 MByte. Standard features include two D-SUB and two DVI-I ports for a support of two displays. The card also handles DTV and HDTV encoding with a resolution of up to 1024 x 768 pixels.
技嘉的GV-3D1-68GT架構與NVIDIA的SLI一樣, 但是他將兩個6800GT晶片做在一片卡上,
跟3D1的雙6600GT比較, 記憶體從256MB GDDR3增加到512MB, 支援兩個D-SUB,兩個DVI,
Sources from Gigabyte claim that the new card will be the best performing single-board graphics systems - at least when current scoreboards are considered. Benchmark results point to about 20,400 points in 3DMark 03 and about 9500 points in 3DMark 05.
技嘉表示3D168GT的效能: 3DMark03可跑20400分,3DMark05可跑9500分,
Availability of the card is expected for the end of July or beginning of August of this year. There were no details on pricing of the card, but sources said that the GV-3D1-68G will cost about 10 to 15 percent less than two 6800 GT cards in a package. Current 6800 GT's fetch about $400 in stores, so we would take a guess that Gigabyte will aim at a price tag of about $680 to $700

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---你先跟那有錢老頭結婚,哄得他開心, 然後假裝我是你表哥,介紹我到你家裡當管家,咱們就只羨鴛鴦不羨仙。 等過了兩年,你孩子有了,就讓我們的孩子繼承他家產,到時把他做掉,不就什麼都是我們的了嗎....

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發表於:2005-05-23 16:00

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