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ºµ»\¯¸  -> ³nÅé¤À¨É  -> eTrust EZ Antivirus 2005 Ác ²Å餤¤åª©

--> ¥»­¶¥DÃD: eTrust EZ Antivirus 2005 Ác ²Å餤¤åª© ¥[¬°IE¦¬Âà | ¦¬ÂÃ¥DÃD | ¤W¤@¥DÃD | ¤U¤@¥DÃD | ¥i¦C¦Lª©¥»

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∷ ½s¸¹: 5177
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∷ ®a±Ú: µLªùµL¬£
∷ µù¥U: 2005-10-23
∷ ¤W¦¸: 2009-01-30
  ¡i¦rÅé¡G¤j ¤¤ ¤p¡j ¡m Plurk Twitter  ¡n
 eTrust EZ Antivirus 2005 Ác ²Å餤¤åª©

eTrust EZ Antivirus¬O¤@´Ú±þ¬r¨¾¬r³nÅé¡A¯à°÷ÀË´ú©M±þ·À¦UºØ¹q¸£¯f¬r¡BįÂΩM¤ì°¨µ{§Ç¡A±q¦Ó¬°§Aªº¹q¸£´£¨Ñ¥þ­±«OÅ@¡CeTrust™ EZ Antivirus 2005 (r7)ªº¥D­n¯S©Ê¡G
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Get up-to-date protection ... automatically.
eTrust?EZ Antivirus detects and removes 100% of
computer viruses “in the wild? ?keeping you safe
from virtually all known virus threats. Plus, with
automatic software updates, new threats that emerge
daily won’t stand a chance.
A full range of features ?for a fraction of the cost
?gives you powerful control, invaluable protection,
and the confidence to surf and download securely.
The latest version of eTrust?EZ Antivirus is easier
to use than ever, and continues to provide protection,
detection, and elimination of thousands of computer
viruses, worms, and Trojan horse programs.
Features include:
[new!] Improved User Interface ?New menus, buttons,
and icons make protecting your PCs quick and easy
[new!] File Quarantine ?Allows users to isolate and
review detected viruses, enabling further research
into specific threats
[new!] Advanced Help System ?Redesigned to make your
eTrust?EZ Antivirus experience seamless
Real-time Scanning ?Proactive protection stops
viruses from entering your computer in real time
Fully-Automatic Updates ?Effectively addresses the #1
reason PC users suffer virus attacks: out-of-date
signature files
Automatic E-mail Scanning ?Provides protection
against viruses that arrive via e-mail ?before they
can be executed
Interactive Virus Detection Messages ?Gives you an
easy way to research detected viruses via a direct
link to CA Virus Information Center
Low Overhead ?Uses fewer system resources and
provides better compatibility, quicker scans, and
faster update downloads
Heuristic Scanning ?Detects new threats even before
virus protection updates are created





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∷ °^Äm: 0 ­Ó
∷ °t°¸: ³æ¨­
∷ ®a±Ú: µLªùµL¬£
∷ µù¥U: 2006-02-03
∷ ¤W¦¸: 2006-02-20
  ¡i¦rÅé¡G¤j ¤¤ ¤p¡j ¡m Plurk Twitter  ¡n


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∷ ½s¸¹: 9494
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∷ °^Äm: 0 ­Ó
∷ °t°¸: ³æ¨­
∷ ®a±Ú: µLªùµL¬£
∷ µù¥U: 2006-02-22
∷ ¤W¦¸: 2006-02-22
  ¡i¦rÅé¡G¤j ¤¤ ¤p¡j ¡m Plurk Twitter  ¡n

can you give it to me

¡° ¡° ¡° ¥»¤å¬° studentmango ­Ó¤H·N¨£¤À¨É¡A»P¥»¯¸¥ß³õµLÃö¡I¡° ¡° ¡°
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µoªí©ó:2006-02-22 12:41

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