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熊蓋站  -> 軟體分享  -> 【轉貼】MSN Messenger v7.5.0306 繁體中文正式版

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∷ 職務: 見習版主 該帥哥目前不在線
∷ 編號: 3691
∷ 級別: 小人物
∷ 發帖: 100
∷ 威望: 50
∷ 財富: 2210 蓋幣
∷ 貢獻: 0
∷ 配偶: 單身
∷ 家族: 無門無派
∷ 來自: 雲林
∷ 註冊: 2005-07-24
∷ 上次: 2018-09-27

寵物狀態:死亡(餓 死!)
寵物級別:1 -初級進階-
  【字體: Plurk Twitter 
 【轉貼】MSN Messenger v7.5.0306 繁體中文正式版

MSN Messenger v7.5.0306 繁體中文正式版 9/28 悄悄發佈了

- The "Get a Webcam" link now hides together with your MSN Display Picture.
- The upgrade mechanism through patching will not show a Repair/Remove dialogue first anymore.
- The Chinese version of MSN Messenger now correctly says "Most popular Dynamic Backgrounds" instead of "Data Packets" and "Pixie" instead of "Virtual Dog" (WTF?!). In the same version, the Voiceclip error message and tooltip now match.
- The dialing dialogue will now show up when you're on a dialup, disconnected, and trying to sign in.
- The Korean version now supports contact cards.
- MSN Messenger now goes easy on the CPU you left it running on with pending IMs, when you sign in on another machine later.
- An MSN Messenger versus MSN Toolbar bug was fixed.

收 費 單
編號: 價格: 蓋幣 已付費人數:


[ 此貼被calvin在2005-09-29 23:42重新編輯 ]

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[樓 主] |
發表於:2005-09-29 15:33

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