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--> 本頁主題: lost模擬小島地圖總匯及手繪hatch艙圖、拍攝地夏威夷瓦胡島實景圖 加為IE收藏 | 收藏主題 | 上一主題 | 下一主題 | 可列印版本


∷ 職務: 超級版主 該帥哥目前不在線
∷ 編號: 6013
∷ 級別: 天使會員
∷ 發帖: 5346
∷ 威望: 4774
∷ 財富: 20 蓋幣
∷ 貢獻: 5
∷ 配偶: 單身
∷ 家族: 軒轅山莊
∷ 註冊: 2005-11-16
∷ 上次: 2012-05-23
  【字體: Plurk Twitter 










[Google Earth衛星真實圖,夏威夷瓦胡島]








<This is an account of the opening desmond sequence inside the hatch:
1. Desmond gets out of bed, hears the computer beeping.
2. runs past the kitchen into the dome area; sits down at computer desk
3. types 4 8 15 16 23 42 into the keyboard; hits execute
4. walks through the living room over to the media shelves; pulls out record puts on player.
**off camera- moves trash can next to counter? for some reason it isnt there in an
earlier shot (see picture)
5. picks up dishes from dining booth, washes them in sink
**off camera- brings exercycle over to the workout area, removes shirt
6. begins exercise on exercycle
7. does some pull-ups on metal bar
**off camera- moves sit-up equipment into middle of room
8. does some sit-ups
9. showers.
10. does laundry.
11. makes some sort of energy shake consisting of powdered-something, canned cherries and peaches, water. mixes it.
**off camera- drinks shake, puts on clean shorts and undershirt
12. puts injection liquid into needle-less injection system and injects it. (on the bottle reads CR 4-81516-23 42)
-- survivors set off dynamite outside hatch--
13. hearing this, desmond rushes to put on jumpsuit
14. unlocks gun vault (combination possibly the "numbers") takes assault rifle and pistol out.
15. dims the lighting via the console on the media shelf
16. configures mirror system to face the top of the hatch, then uses telescope to see the survivors at the top of the hatch
(by pointing it at the mirrors).
*The shoes that Jack sees on the floor are Locke's shoes.
I believe that the shoes on the floor are locke's. i read a post on the abc LOST theory boards (


that showed pics of lockes shoes in an earlier episode, which had a red stripe down the loop on the back of the shoe, just
like the shoes on the floor.
plus in another post, someone quoted the bible-
Exodus 3:1-8
God called to him out of the bush, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here am I." 5 Then he said, "Do not come near; put off your
shoes from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground."
From the book of EXODUS, note-- an episode title from S1.
(this is when Moses sees the burning bush that wont burn up)
in addition to that, at the end when desmond has the gun to locke's head, locke shifts his feet in a manner that barefooted
people usually shift (due to the feeling of a cold floor)>









here is our list of clues:
1 beach site faces west.?we see sun sets,
2 cave is 1 mile up the valley.
3 Danielle's hole is to the left leaving from the beach site.
4 it takes 1/2 day to get to daniels place.
5 when looking for claire Locke went north ,Michael went south from the cave.
6 the hatch is over a hour into the jungle.
7 the priest was 1/2 klick west of beechcraft.
8 boone tied up 4 miles east of camp.
9 hatch is to the north east of the caves.
10 beechcraft is east of the hatch.
11 beach site maybe in the SW area near crater.?
12 locke and boone cross a steam to get to the hatch.
13 they cross a bridge to get to danieles place.
14 arzt indicates the north wind blows inland at the beach site.he has a long shadow to his left, turminus considers "clue
14" with Artz resolved or close enough, you can update if you want, or at least add the "north beach" theory to the end.the
beach area on the north side of the cove (9-f) is the probable location for the new camp.
15 there is an evening sun glow left of the beach site?
16 danieles grid squares are 1.15 x 1.15 miles on her map if they are latitude and longitude minute of degree lines.
17 if they are degree lines there is 69 miles between them.
18 the island is 5 grids N to S and 3 1/2 E to W.
19 smoke is seen 5km inland(this pertains to Danielles rememberence of her story ,not present time.)
20 danieles group goes left from camp,appears to travel around crater,crosses stream,follows stream up right hand bank
,travel approx. 1/2 day, finds old ship.
21 the black rock is on the highesr part of the island.
22 The smoke is seen centered the valley(unknown dist.)
23 the radio tower is near black rock
24 the raft leaves the beach to the right and goes out of sight behind coastline.
25 raft goes blows north along islands west coast.
26 the raft is 15 miles away when pirated
27 the smoke source is on a north shore??(the smoke is blowing north because of prevailing winds,it is on a beach facing
north shown by view from sea)the size of the island makes this hard to believe,most likely it is on the east coast.when sayid
is chasing danielle he sees the fire with smoke blowing to his left. that is N.
28 michael said the island was huge.
29 the oceanic sites map of the island has the compass rose pointing toward the southwest side of the island indicating true
north could off as much as 60 degrees.
30 the part of the isle with 2 drains/waterfalls is in the W ridge,it is what micheal is looking back on as they leave the
isle going NNE.
this is a new list to be compiled watching the summer reruns, I need your input to make this list. the following is the clues
found and epy it came from in order of appearence.
1 sun sets over water to the right of crater on the left(mountain) looking from beach. PILOT 1
2 smoke coming from jungle (cockpit) PILOT 1
3 crash site in cove with crater or mountain to the left, seen when facing water.PILOT 1
4 again,crash site faces cove ,crater or mountaian to the left while watching sunset. PILOT 1
5 Jin in cove fishing,crater to the left,shore is jagged rocks and no sand.PILOT 2
6 camp near crater, first campsite located in SW as indicated on Quantions map.
7 true north is approx.60 degrees off see map:heading 300 on compass.
8 the LOST island is located approx. 5*52'N by 162*6'W or located near the Northern Line Islands.this is figured from screen
caps and star navigation charts.
9 the new camp is probably located at the north side of the cove (6-f)
10 Arzt said he thought the Black Rock was 2 miles inland.
11 the hatch is near a river.
12 the hatch is on a hillside.
13 Charlie was hung on the plateau or elevated plain.
14 Sayid points to Danielles location 6I on quan's map.
Jack says the hatch is 1/2 mile from the caves. this statement doesn't fit with the other clues.
the raftees land on the north shore. since they were 15 miles NNE of the island.
Desmond crashed on a reef, which could be the coral reef on Danielles map.

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