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∷ 職務: 超級版主 該帥哥目前不在線
∷ 編號: 6013
∷ 級別: 天使會員
∷ 發帖: 5346
∷ 威望: 4774
∷ 財富: 20 蓋幣
∷ 貢獻: 5
∷ 配偶: 單身
∷ 家族: 軒轅山莊
∷ 註冊: 2005-11-16
∷ 上次: 2012-05-23
  【字體: Plurk Twitter 
 懸疑片- Brick 預告

懸疑片- Brick 預告


High school student Brendan Frye prefers to stay an outsider, until the day that his ex-girlfriend, Emily, reaches out to him unexpectedly and then vanishes. Brendan's feelings for her still run deep and he becomes consumed with finding his troubled inamorata. To find her, Brendan enlists the aid of his only true peer, The Brain, while keeping the assistant vice principal only occasionally informed of what quickly becomes a dangerous investigation. Brendan's single-minded unearthing of students' secrets thrusts him headlong into the colliding social orbits of rich-girl sophisticate Laura, intimidating Tugger, substance-abusing Dode, seductive Kara, jock Brad, and ? most ominously ? non-student The Pin. It is only by gaining acceptance into The Pin's closely guarded inner circle of crime and punishment that Brendan will be able to uncover hard truths about himself, Emily, and the suspects that he is getting closer to.
Genres: Drama, Suspense/Horror, Thriller and Teen
Running Time: 110 min.
Release Date (US): March 31st, 2006

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發表於:2006-03-02 08:37

  熊蓋站 -> 電影影集討論

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